
Google Apps Challenging Microsoft In Business
Google’s software for businesses, Google Apps, is catching on with larger enterprises. In the last year Google has scored some wins, including the Swiss drug maker Hoffmann-La Roche, where over 80,000 employees use the package, and at the Interior Department, where 90,000 use it.

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Google Drops A Bombshell In Its Escalating With With Microsoft: Google To Stop Support For Synching Gmail And Apps With Windows
Google announced it will not support Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync protocol for new devices after January 30th, 2013. For Windows users who also use Gmail and Google Apps for contacts and calendaring, it's a real problem. For Apple iOS users, it's also a hassle.

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Google Will Start Charging Small Businesses For Google Apps: Do Advisors Care?
Google is ending availability of a free version of its Google Apps online application suite for small businesses, saying it wants to provide a stronger and more uniform experience to users. Do advisors care? Probably not.

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Is Apple The Next Microsoft? Or Will It Reinvent TV?
Apple shares fell 6.4% yesterday, a $34.8 billion reduction in its market capitalization. Since mid-September, when its price peaked at over $700, Apple has lost one-quarter of its market cap. Why? Because investors are wondering what Apple can possibly do to continue its decade long streak of breathhrough innovation, reinventing the way consumers listen to music as well as use computers and phones. What can Apple possibly do to keep up with its history of the last decade?

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How To Avoid Losing Clients And The Money They Represent; A Fresh Perspective From Beyond The World Of Financial Planning
When I showed Rodney Brim a report from popular financial planning and performance reporting programs used by wealth managers, he immediately criticized it for not telling a client whether he is successful. Brim, who holds a Ph.D in psychology runs a company that makes that helps people stay focused on achieving strategic plans and long-term goals.   Brim is an indpendent thinker from outside  field. So his perspective is totally new and different. In fact, the reason why A4A gets more than 9,000 unique visitors every month is because we are so inpedendent and providing speakers fr